Open beta experiences

Unfortunately my first time playing this game would be in open beta, two years and a few months after I first heard of this game, to be honest I forgot about it. Like I said before I didn’t want this to be another Titan thus I didn’t try to keep up with the game and I didn’t prepurchase it to get into closed beta. A couple of my friends did get into the closed beta, but I told them not to share details with me since I know it would be biased and I’d probably get sucked in and wouldn’t have a means of playing it besides going over to a friend’s house. Like most people my first time playing the game was open beta, I played with 2-4 friends always never alone. The reason being is simple, I’ve played Team Fortress 2 a lot, and I knew Overwatch was going to be no different when it comes to objectives going in solo with all randoms would just be too much of a headache for me and cause me to be toxic, but having even one friend with me would keep me relaxed, even if stupid things were happening in the game. Why you ask? Simple because all I care about when I play games with my friends is having fun.
The first hero I played was Mercy, the reason being If you pre order the origin edition of the game you get Mercy’s wings as a skin for your Diablo 3 character (yes sadly this was one of the reason I wanted to buy the origin edition). Going into hero select at the start of the game was awesome, it put each hero into categories; offensive, defensive, tank, and support, which is a great add on, but Blizzard went beyond this and added a little menu to the right side that shows if your team composition is lacking in anything such as no healer, or tank, or not enough damage, or too much damage great to get people started off on the right foot.
Usually in games the healer class stays in the back and just heals from a distance, this game doesn’t have that, the person you want to heal your right behind them, and in Mercy’s case her secondary is buffing attack so half the time you’re in the front line buffing your offensive heroes and the other time your falling back and healing, you’re not just sitting there board doing nothing. The best part about the game is you change heroes whenever you want after you die. This keeps each game from not feeling like a repetitive shooter like CS:GO, COD, or BF.
One concern I do have about the game is about having multiple people play the same hero, being in beta still I know there are some balancing issues and some changes that will be made before final launch but I do that if everyone plays a specific hero some of them are just not balanced enough for example having all Bastions or Soldier: 76, given this could be a lack on my team and Is’ part of being unskilled and not being comfortable with all the heroes to pick a counter to such a comp. so only time will tell if this remains an issue.
Overall I’m happy to say I’m excited about Overwatch and I have preordered my Origin Edition!